Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"A Room of One's Own"

I have enjoyed reading Viriginia Woolf's "A Room of One's Own". Woolf was a woman who lived in a time where men were regarded as the superior sex and women should be "seen and not heard". Women did not have their own money and their own homes -- they went straight from their father's home to their husband's home. What I like about Woolf is how she went against the grain and she dared to be different from what others said she should be. She also had no problem saying what she thought of how men treated the women of her time. Woolf felt that it was okay for a woman to strike out on her own, but that in order to do so, "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction" as she states on page 4. These are things that men have and Woolf feels that a woman must also have these things in order to be able to be successful.

Viriginia Woolf is a beacon of hope to the women of her time. Where society said "You cannot", Woolf argued "We can." She realized the value of a woman and that a woman could contribute greatly to society. She said exactly what she was thinking and challenged the standards of the time.

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